The function returns information about the XTRA dmmXLS. The function returns values in the format Abstract Data Types: [#fileType: "Xtra (32)", #CompanyName: "Studio dmm", #FileDescription: "dmmXLS.x32", #FileVersion: "", #InternalName: "dmmXLS.x32", #LegalCopyRight: "© Studio dmm 1992-2005", #LegalTradeMarks: "", #OriginalFileName: "dmmXLS.x32", #productName: "dmmXLS.x32", #productVersion: ""] The meaning of the items is clear and it is not necessary to describe it closer.

There are no parametres in this function.

Example - Director
global xls 
put "FileDescription:" && xv.FileDescription
put "FileVersion:" && xv.FileVersion

Example - Authorware
xv:=CallObject(xls; "xtraVersion") 
Trace("FileDescription: " ^ xv[#FileDescription])
Trace("FileVersion: " ^ xv[#FileVersion])