value=runCPP(code: string, returnVar: string)
The function processes the script in C++. It returns a variable defined in the parameter returnVar. A variable of the same name must, of course, also be defined in the script. The function returns such a variable that is defined in the script. If, for example, the variable in script defined in the parameter returnVar is of integer type, then the function returns integer. If the variable in the script is string, the returned value will be string etc.

The function has two parameters: code and returnVar. Code is the script in C++ we want to be processed, returnVar is name of the variable in script whose value we want to find.

Example - Director
val=scr.runCPP(programCode, "s")

Example - Authorware
val:=CallObject(scr; "runCPP"; programCode; "s")