void=dbConnection(connectionString: string)
This function connects dmmADO to the chosen database. To be able to get connected to the database, you have to enter connection string characteristic for the given database.

The parameter of the function is connectionString. By this parameter the connection to database is defined. If you need to connect to a database you have to know what shape connectionString has for the given database.

If the XTRA is already connected to the database, the old connection is canceled using dbConnection and a new connection is created.

Example - Director
global ado
ado.dbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\Okc.mdb; Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=True")

Example - Authorware
CallObject(ado; "dbConnection","Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\Okc.mdb; Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=True")